Last Published CVs

Daniele Rut...


Sono uno studente di Scienze Motorie con esperienza in ambito sportivo,...
Daniele Rutigliano headshot

Federico Og...


Durante il mio percorso accademico ho avuto la possibilità di...
Federico Ogliani headshot

Federica Guida

Tecnico commercia...

I am a graduate student in International Business and Development and...
Federica Guida headshot

Talita Fola...

Competenza Ammini...

Cerco di migliorare le mie competenze professionali nel settore...
Talita Folador Trevisan headshot
340 CVs updated in the last month.

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Impiegato amministrativo
In Person, Palermo, PA...
Full Time
Contabilità Gener...
In Person, Cefalù, Pal...
Full Time
Gestione cucina, ...
In Person, Palermo, It...
Full Time
Gestione impasti,...
Progettista Meccanico
In Person, Avigliana, ...
Full Time
Disegno 3D, Diseg...
186 Job Ads updated in the last month.

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Standard CVs are ugly, ineffective and outdated. uCV is the new standard for digital CVs. You will be guided to create yours. Download a PDF copy, or share it using a public link. Why is it called uCV? Because it stands for "unique Curriculum Vitae", and it's the one CV you'll ever need.
Instead of being stored away in an agency's drawer, your CV will be published online and always accessible, just like ours: Duccio, Anuj, Vishal, Valerio. This way hiring companies can find us directly, without any middleman.
We put you first. Your CV, or "uCV", will be live, just like a real website, at: your-name.ucv.onlineand this will be your professional homepage.
uCV goes straight to the point: you’re not here to make new friends, connect with people, build your network, be monitored by your HR, nor to tweet like a bird… You’re here to find a job and get paid for it.
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Avoid time-wasters: we go to great lengths to keep all the uCVs up to date. If the CV is here, it is highly likely that the person behind it is genuinely looking for a job.


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For a good reason

uCV is a project started on May the 1st, Labor Day 2020 to help job seekers meet job providers, and vice versa.

Forever Free

Here you can build your digital CV, your professional presentation page to be found without intermediaries, for free. In addition to this, you will find free resources to learn the fundamental skills, starting from the creation of your effective curriculum vitae.


uCV has a simple business model: contacting one candidate at a time, taking the time to write a message dedicated to him, will always be free. Contacting more than one candidate at the same time will have a reasonable cost, which will also serve to avoid spam.


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