Arianna Zawadi Ceccarello

Content curation · Senior

Dublino, Leinster, Irlanda · Available Now

Content curation | Analytical Skills | Problem Solving | 19 more...

Arianna Zawadi C. headshot
Professional Goals

I want to create a career path that allows me to adopt my creative problem-solving skills. I have a keen interest for technology and especially how to apply our knowledge to make the world a better place when dealing with services or products, for these reasons I am very interested in user experience or content curation. Furthermore, 
As a trailblazer, I often think outside the box, and I am certain I can adapt and evolve in challenging environments. 

Senior content curator
in Dublin, Dublin 1, Ireland

02/2018 - 06/2023

Core Competencies:

  • Obtained three certifications to provide support to all agents (French Market). 
  • Operated within three different processes, and managed over a thousand shadowing sessions for new hires or existing agents. 
  • Optimized the team’s quality, maintaining individual target while simultaneously, managing the launch of an overseas team (English Market). 
  • Sustained 100% quality and productivity and became the point of contact for the team, achieving the promoted position of quality SME. 
Degree: Foundations of UX Design

2023 - 2024


  • Understanding the foundations of UX Design, such as user centred design, design process, accessibility, and equity focused design. 
  • Prototyping.
  • Wireframing. 
Giovanni valle
Degree: Diploma di perito turistico

2001 - 2006


  • Extended the knowledge of the English language and German, after three years of study of both. 
  • Learned and developed the knowledge of History of arts. 
  • Participated in a job placement at the Netherwood Hotel in England. 


C2 - Proficiency


C2 - Proficiency


A1 - Beginner

Hard skills

Analytical Skills, Computer Skills, Management Skills, Language skills, Machine Learning, Coaching

Soft skills

Problem Solving, Team Work, Creativity, Flexibility, Project Deliverables, Active Listening, Proactivity, Leadership, Organization, Time Management, Target Oriented, Emotional Intelligence

Skills I'd like to learn or improve

German, Team Management, Presentation Skills, Negociation, Conflict Resolution

Field of work

Content curation, Content review, Languages, Content moderation

Other information

  • Hiking 
  • Writing 
  • Body building and Weightlifting 
  • Astronomy 
  • Archaeology 
  • Sustainability

Plans for the future

I want to relocate to Italy and start a new career path that allows me to expand my current horizon. My plan is to bring back to my home country all the skills and knowledge I have collected after years of working abroad.