Marcus L.


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Marcus Lapidario headshot

Filippo M.

Sales Assistant

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Salary: EUR 2K

Raul Miguel P.

Cameriere, Barman

“Sono un cameriere con 3 anni di esperienza in aziende nel settore della...

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Raul Miguel Peretti headshot

Sarah B.


I'm always looking for ways to express myself. In this life, I want to help and...

Skills: Creative Writing, Photography, Storytelling, Pacchetto Office,...

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Salary: EUR 24

Sarah Bulhões headshot

Paola S.

Cucito Sartoria, ...

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Salary: EUR 12

Naima B.

Addetta Stiro, Ad...

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Walid M.

Disegno Tecnico, ...

Skills: le mie competenze sono: usare macchine meccaniche saper usare...

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Walid Mojahdi headshot

Vladimir B.

Assistenza ammini...

Join in: 4 Days

Kemesia B.

Interior design s...

Join in: 20 Days

Salary: EUR 35K

Matteo V.


Available Now

Salary: EUR 12K

Matteo Verrazzo headshot