Resumes for the role of community manager Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as community manager in Full Remote.

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Andrea Franceschini

WEB Designer

Dal 2008 lavoro nel campo della grafica e del web design. Nel corso degli anni, ho...

Skills: Grafica, Adobe Suite, Problem Solving, Project Management, WEB...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 30K

Andrea Franceschini headshot

Giovanni Paolo Caldarini

Junior Cybersecurity Specialist

During my academic career, I had the opportunity to study the following areas in...

Skills: CSS, Java, Javascript, SQL, PowerPoint, Word, Mysql, Pacchetto...

Join in: 4 Days

Salary: EUR 30K

Giovanni Paolo Caldarini headshot

Alessia C.

operatrice museale

Sono un'educatrice della prima infanzia con 3 anni di esperienza, ho una diploma...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 30K

Alessia Cantone headshot