Resumes for the role of community manager Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as community manager in Full Remote.

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Benedetta C.

Account Manager e HR

Account Manager con 8 anni di esperienza in sviluppo dei servizi, sviluppo...

Skills: Sales management, Project Management, Sviluppo Commerciale, Sales,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 25K

Benedetta Cremonesi headshot

Luca Fanizzi

Store Manager

Experienced store manager, located in Foggia, Italy, with skills in leadership,...

Skills: One Capture, Autocad, Pacchetto Adobe, Pacchetto Office, Analisi...

Join in: 14 Days

Salary: USD 31K

Luca Fanizzi headshot

Cristiana G.

Junior Cultural E...

Join in: 14 Days

Salary: EUR 27K

Luca Bondielli

Front office manager di hotel

Sono un laureando in Ingegneria gestionale, durante il mio percorso accademico ho...

Skills: Pacchetto Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, linguaggio di...

Join in: 5 Days

Salary: EUR 30K

Micaele G.

Tecnico hardware-software / Server manager

Sono un lavoratore con molti anni di esperienza, principalmente nei settori:...

Skills: Pacchetto Office,Excel,PowerPoint,Word,Utilizzo di...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 25K

Micaele Giuliano headshot

Giulian S.

Social Media Marketer

Hi my name is Giulian, I currently work on the website of an Italian company that...

Skills: Sviluppo WEB,Marketing,Content Creator,Social Media...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 30K

Giulian Ski headshot