Resumes for the role of community manager Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as community manager in Full Remote.

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Emanuele Z.

Direttore Commerc...

Sono un Brenah Manager con 20 anni di esperienza in aziende nelle vendite e 15 nel...

Join in: 60 Days

Salary: EUR 60K

Emanuele Zdunich headshot

Stefano Bosio

Production Manage...

Sono un Responsabile di reparto con 13 anni di esperienza nel settore Automotive;...

Skills: smed, Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen, riduzione costi, Produttività

Join in: 120 Days

Salary: EUR 70K

Stefano Bosio headshot

Ilir L.

Senior developer

Team Leader, Technical Manager, Technical Leader

Skills: Java, maven, Oracle, SQL, Mysql, Javascript, Html, CSS, Angular,...

Join in: 90 Days

Salary: EUR 60K

Giorgio F.

Project & Account...

Join in: 90 Days

Salary: EUR 60K

Gianluca S.

Technical Team Le...

Skills: Product Owner, Scrum, Agile, Project Management, Software...

Join in: 30 Days

Salary: EUR 65K