Resumes for the role of comunicative Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as comunicative in Full Remote.

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Federico Leccesi

Software Engineer...

Sono un ragazzo brillante e solare, con l'ardente desiderio di applicare le...

Skills: Leadership, Customer Care, Lingua Inglese, Doti Comunicative,...

Join in: 14 Days

Salary: EUR 12K

Federico Leccesi headshot

Gianpio Di Bari

Project Management

Durante il mio percorso accademico in Ingegneria Gestionale, ho avuto la...

Skills: Analisi Rischi, Analisi di Mercato, Analisi Costi Benefici, Analisi...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 1.8K

Gianpio Di Bari headshot

Stefano B.

Photonic engineer...

I'm looking for a challenging position in photonics research and development where...

Skills: Creative Coding, Python, laser technology, optical instrumets, Data...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 28

Stefano Benetti headshot

Peter Anthony C.

Back Office Assistant


Available Now

Salary: EUR 1.6K