Emilio Della Corte

Business Developer

Innamorato del mondo delle startup, ho iniziato durante il periodo universitario...

Skills: Sales, G Suite, Canva, Python, Figma, WordPress, Adobe Premiere PRO

Available Now

Emilio Della Corte headshot

Pietro T.

Manager aziendale

Attraverso il percorso accademico, che sto attualmente seguendo, sto avendo la...

Skills: Team Working, Problem Solving, Capacità di relazionarsi col...

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Giovanni Paolo Caldarini

Junior Cybersecurity Specialist

During my academic career, I had the opportunity to study the following areas in...

Skills: CSS, Java, Javascript, SQL, PowerPoint, Word, Mysql, Pacchetto...

Join in: 4 Days

Salary: EUR 30K

Giovanni Paolo Caldarini headshot

Smeralda S.

In-house legal ma...

Join in: 90 Days

Salary: EUR 75K

Johnny S.

Digital Advertising

Curious, never satisfied, and always in search of new activities. Over 2 years of...

Skills: Advertising, meta ads, Google ADS, TikTok Ads, Amazon Ads, Office

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Rocco Francesco Tamborrini

Brand Ambassador,...

I am a Brand Ambassador and Product and Sales Trainer with 15 years of experience...

Skills: Public Speaking, Sales, negotiation process, Time Management,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 28.5K

Rocco Francesco Tamborrini headshot

Monica G.

La mia grande passione per l'alimentazione sana e naturale mi ha portato a...

Skills: Impiegata, Artigiana, Data Entry, Consulente alimentare

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Francesco P.

Customer Service

Customer service is for me the most important department within a company as it...

Skills: MS Office, MS Access, SAP SD, SAP MM, SAP CRM

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Francesco Paparella headshot

Alessandro P.

Project Management

Sono un Project Manager IT con 9 anni di esperienza in aziende multinazionali nel...

Skills: Office Suite, microsoft visio, Microsoft Project, Dynamics365,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 50K

Alessandro Pizzulli headshot

Matteo Lofranco

Impiegato amministrativo

Ho lavorato come impiegato amministrativo ed ho ricoperto questo ruolo per 3 anni...

Skills: Pacchetto Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Utilizzo di Gestionali,...

Join in: 7 Days

Salary: EUR 25K

Matteo Lofranco headshot