Resumes for the role of milano Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as milano in Full Remote.

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Silvio M.

UX UI Designer

Sono un graphic designer cresciuto all'interno di un contesto associativo...

Join in: 15 Days

Salary: EUR 21K

Silvio Milano headshot

Paola B.


Join in: 3 Days

Salary: EUR 20K

Paola Blondet headshot

Roberto M.

Ingegneria Natura...

Sono dottore in Chimica, mi reputo un professionista appassionato e altamente...

Skills: Progettazione urbana, Autocad, Disegno Tecnico, Modellazione 3D,...

Join in: 15 Days

Salary: EUR 25K

Roberto Moroso headshot

Giovanni T.

Operatore di sala

Sto studiando per una laurea magistrale in lingue e letterature straniere. Ho...

Skills: Lingue Straniere, Letteratura, Operatore di sala, Banconista,...

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Lucas A.

Marketing Officer

My primary goal is to continually develop and refine my digital media skills,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 1K

Lucas Abel headshot

Mabel P.

Organizzazione Ev...

Pronta ad intraprendere nuove esperienze di crescita professionale ed...

Skills: Pacchetto Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Vendite, Gestione...

Available Now

Mabel Paredes headshot

Serigne D.


Available Now

Salary: EUR 1.5K

Serigne Diagne headshot

Simone L.

During my academic career I had the opportunity to delve into the following...

Skills: Python, Machine Learning, R, Pacchetto Office, C++, Heroku

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Vincent Capo

Sales Development...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 30K

Vincent Capo headshot