Resumes for the role of milano Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as milano in Full Remote.

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Mario O.

Fotografo, Produz...

Sono un Fotografo e Videomaker con 9 anni di esperienza in aziende nel settore...

Skills: Adobe Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, Photography, Videomaking, Video...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 25K

Mario Orfè headshot

Emanuele Crosa

Digital Marketing

Sono un digital marketer con un anno di esperienza in agenzie di comunicazione e...

Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Google ADS, Facebook ADS, Social...

Join in: 45 Days

Salary: EUR 25K

Emanuele Crosa headshot

Domenico Grassi

Product Marketing...

I recently graduated with honors in International Business and Entrepreneurship...

Skills: SAP, Excel, Python, Jira, Pacchetto Office, Project Management,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 27K

Domenico Grassi headshot