Resumes for the role of roma Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as roma in Full Remote.

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Giovanni Paolo Caldarini

Junior Cybersecurity Specialist

During my academic career, I had the opportunity to study the following areas in...

Skills: CSS, Java, Javascript, SQL, PowerPoint, Word, Mysql, Pacchetto...

Join in: 4 Days

Salary: EUR 30K

Giovanni Paolo Caldarini headshot

Mauro Gallone

Sales Account, Ve...

Sono un Freelancer nel Digital Marketing con 5 anni di esperienza, specializzato...

Skills: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Copywriting, WordPress,...

Join in: 30 Days

Salary: EUR 36K

Mauro Gallone headshot

Mostafa H.

Addetto Gestione ...

Available Now

Mostafa Hamdin headshot

Leonardo Ciccioni

Amazon Seo Specialist

Sono un esperto di DIGITAL MARKTING con un background consolidato di 3 anni di...

Join in: 30 Days

Salary: EUR 1.3K

Leonardo Ciccioni headshot

Mirco C.

Cameriere, Ristor...

Available Now

Mirco Cesarini headshot