Resumes for the role of web Full Remote

The resumes are published by candidates looking for a job as web in Full Remote.

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Abedalla Mohamed

Software Engineer

Sono un ingegnere informatico con 10 anni di esperienza in aziende nel settore...

Skills: PHP, Javascript, Python, Java, C++, Html, CSS, PostgreSQL, redis,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 60K

Abedalla Mohamed headshot

Gianluca S.

Technical Team Le...

Skills: Product Owner, Scrum, Agile, Project Management, Software...

Join in: 30 Days

Salary: EUR 65K

Luca P.

Software Engineer

Sono un Senior Software Engineer, attualmente team leader.Ho una forte propensione...

Skills: Angular, Javascript, React, Html5, CSS, GIT, Scss, Svelte,...

Join in: 90 Days

Salary: EUR 60K

Luca Peruzzo headshot

Sergio C.

Program Manager

Program e Project Manager con oltre 12 anni di esperienza professionale in ambito...

Skills: Program,Project Management,Demand...

Join in: 60 Days

Salary: EUR 60K

Sergio Ciannamea headshot

Mauro P.

Cluster Director Operation

I am a proactive and dedicated to work professional with decades of experience in...

Skills: Overall Equipment Efficiency,Overall People Efficiecy,5S,Budget...

Join in: 60 Days

Salary: USD 70K

Mauro Pino headshot