Anna Camilla Iannone


Sono una studentessa universitaria al secondo anno di Scienze della Formazione...

Skills: Insegnamento, Istruzione, Didattica Speciale, Educazione, Pacchetto...

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Anna Camilla Iannone headshot

Lucas A.

Marketing Officer

My primary goal is to continually develop and refine my digital media skills,...

Available Now

Salary: EUR 1K

Lucas Abel headshot

Daniela I.


Arrivata 20 anni fa in Italia, ho svolto diversi lavori come badante, baby sitter...

Join in: 15 Days

Daniela Iarinka headshot

Federico P.

Sales, Marketing

My goal is to develop a career in a dynamic and ever-evolving environment that...

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Federico Paolini headshot

Mark Andro G.

Web Developer

Skills: Programmazione PHP, Mysql, Bootstrap, CSS, Html5, Laravel

Join in: 7 Days

Salary: EUR 19K

Mabel P.

Organizzazione Ev...

Pronta ad intraprendere nuove esperienze di crescita professionale ed...

Skills: Pacchetto Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Vendite, Gestione...

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Mabel Paredes headshot

Federica Camilla P.

Docente di sostegno


Skills: Ecdl, ECDL ADVANCED, Pacchetto Office, Microsoft Word, Microsoft...

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Federica Camilla Parenti headshot

Serigne D.


Available Now

Salary: EUR 1.5K

Serigne Diagne headshot

Simone L.

During my academic career I had the opportunity to delve into the following...

Skills: Python, Machine Learning, R, Pacchetto Office, C++, Heroku

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Nik Riven D.

Durante il mio percorso di studio ho approfondito molto la topografia ed...

Skills: Pacchetto Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Software CAD

Join in: Days

Nik Riven De Castro headshot